~~~ GOLD Football League Rules ~~~
Current revision: Issue #20.0 (last updated: 04-04-24)
  • VI. Saved Players
    • a. Saved player designations are controlled through the web site and can be accessed ONLY when logged in. Saved player designation is accessed through OWNER FUNCTIONS in the LEAGUE Menu (see right).
    • b. The following rules govern saving individual players from the current season's active roster for use next season and are subject to NO EXCEPTIONS
      • ~ANY player to be saved MUST be designated during the specified period.
      • ~No player who was a 1st round pick in the most recent draft can be saved.
      • ~No player saved and unavailable for draft in previous two(2) consecutive seasons can be saved.
      • ~Players designation (FP,TP) is removed if the player is traded or waived.
      • ~Designation period: After draft - August 15 (following year).
        • August 16 thru the draft all FP and TP designations are locked.
      • ~During off-season (1/1 - 8/15), Saved Player may be removed or replaced online at any time.
      • ~Current FP and TP designations cease when draft ends. Players must be redesignated to carry over more than one season.
    • ~Transition Players (TP) - saved subject to the following:
      • ~Optional for each team: designate only one(1) TP and receive no 2nd round pick in the upcoming draft.
      • ~A team cannot save a TP if their 2nd round pick is traded away. 2nd round picks received in trades cannot be used to save TPs.
    • ~Franchise Players (FP) - saved subject to the following:
      • ~Each team must designate one(1) Franchise Player per season.
      • ~Each team must make a NEW designation each season (not necessarily a different player but a new announcement of declaration).
      • ~If no specific designation is made prior to the deadline (8/15), the Default Designation will be the 2nd player picked by the team in most recent previous draft. If indicated player was traded or waived, replacement player becomes default when qualified. Otherwise, Commissioner's best judgement is used.