~~~ GOLD Football League Rules ~~~
Current revision: Issue #20.0 (last updated: 04-04-24)
  • VIII. Line-ups: Deadlines and Methods
    • a. Starting line-ups are controlled through the web site and can be accessed ONLY when logged in. Starting line-up control is accessed through OWNER FUNCTIONS in the LEAGUE Menu (see right).
    • b. Teams compete each week with a starting line-up consisting of the following player positions:
      • 1 - Quarterback (QB)
      • 2 - Running Backs (RB)
      • 2 - Wide Receivers (WR)
      • 1 - Tight End (TE)
      • 1 - Kicker (K)
      • 1 - Defense/Special Team (DT)
      • 1 - Utility Player (RB,WR,or TE)
    • c. How to submit line-ups:
      • Line-up changes must be submitted on the WANNABE Sports web site.
        Online submissions are confirmed by e-mail to team's address on file. This can be turned on/off from team owner's Account Page. If the submission is not confirmed, it is team owner's responsibility to follow up.
        NOTE: on-line forms also provide immediate confirmation online.
      • Email Requests for line-up changes will only be considered if the WANNABE Sports web site is non-functional.
      • Email Requests must contain reason for email submission.
      • Email Requests must contain an adequate description to identify all players involved (Name, and if necessary, position and/or NFL team).
      • Email Requests must contain name of submitting team and name of League.
      • Email Requests must be submitted to Commissioner@WANNABEsports.com and must be RECEIVED by the deadline requiring early submission.
      • Incomplete or indecipherable requests will be subject to the best judgement of WANNABE Sports. The Comissioner's decision is FINAL.
    • d. The initial line-up will default to the first players drafted to fill the above positions if no Week 1 submission is received. Each team may submit line-up changes, when desired, prior to the final game of the week. Any player to be inserted into, or removed from, a line-up MUST be changed prior to the start time of that player's NFL game. Should the system somehow allow a line-up change violating this rule, that change WILL be reversed without notice.
      • Each position on the preceding week's line-up (including players on BYE in current week) remains in effect until valid changes are received by WANNABE Sports.