~~~ GOLD Football League Rules ~~~
Current revision: Issue #20.0 (last updated: 04-04-24)
  • I. General
    • a. Team management is controlled through owner-only functions that can be accessed ONLY when logged in. Line-up control, transactions, saved player management, and the draft are accessed through OWNER FUNCTIONS in the LEAGUE Menu (see right).
    • b. Rules contained on this page, in conjunction with the posted terms and conditions, will be followed where applicable and amended as necessary to conduct the WANNABE Gold Fantasy Football Leagues in the manner most FAIR to ALL. Changes, additions and alterations will be made by WANNABE Sports when necessary and updates will be posted to this page.
  • II. Team Ownership(also see terms and conditions)
    • a. Team owners agree to an annual team fee of $10 per team (payable in U.S. currency and/or WANNABE Points).
    • b. All team owners must submit minumum of one line-up per season and pay the above fee or the team will be considered abandoned and reclaimed by WANNABE Sports.
      • WANNABE Sports will control the line-up and roster of abandoned teams when possible, exactly as any independently owned team. Trades (and negotiations for same) with abandoned teams will not typically be considered.
      • New ownership agrees to accept team as is including saved players, draft pick, etc.